I'm Cory.
I'm an Entrepreneur, Author, Business Builder, and Leader Developer focused on transforming culture.
Before I got into the personal development space, I was growing my career and business in the physical fitness industry.
That season was a great and prosperous one.
My profession has completely changed the trajectory of my life and it’s easy to see how The Lord has had His hand in guiding me into PT.
I worked as a physical therapy assistant (LPTA) and owned with my wife a couple of physical therapy clinics in North Mississippi. I was recognized by the Mississippi Physical Therapy Association as the Physical Therapy Assistant of the Year in 2020. Being a PTA has helped me move beyond an intellectual knowledge of knowing the “golden rule” and into actually applying it and making a real notable difference in the lives of other people.

I’ve learned what it’s like to see how giving people hope, offering words of encouragement, and movement can take someone with doubts of ever being able to stand to actually walk out of the doors.
I’ve learned the excitement of helping athletes move beyond discouragement to getting back on the field and earning a college scholarship.
I’ve learned the sorrow of elderly ones who want a listening ear as they just want to share their life story about them and their recently passed away spouse.
I’ve experienced tears of joy when a mother witnesses her toddler take that first step that they were told would never come.

We are blessed and life is amazing.
My wife and I had the incredible experience of turning dreams into a reality.
Within a 5-year period of time, my wife and I had built 2 physical therapy clinics and 4 gyms.
I’ve learned how to receive gratitude, especially when my family became a team of 5.
Although I loved what I was doing and the impact we were making in our community, I had to pivot.
I had 14-hour days working in our businesses. One day, I had to kiss my son goodnight at 4:30pm because I would not see him until the next morning. He looked up at me and said "Daddy, you going to your house?"